Step-by-step guide on installing Node.js with NVM on Fedora 38

Step-by-step guide on installing Node.js with NVM on Fedora 38

Node JS

Node.js - Wikipedia

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to execute JavaScript code outside of a web browser.

It is designed for building scalable and high-performance network applications, making it particularly well-suited for building server-side applications and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).


NVM is used for managing multiple versions of Node.js on a single machine. It enables developers to switch between different Node.js versions based on project requirements.

NVM is particularly useful when you work on multiple Node.js projects that have specific version dependencies. It ensures that each project can use the appropriate Node.js version without interfering with others.

Check your OS

This step is optional. It's just to make sure you have Fedorainstalled.


cat /etc/os-release




When you run hostnamectl without any options, it provides detailed information about the system's hostname, operating system, kernel, and other system-related settings.


lsb_release -a


lsb_release is a command-line utility commonly found in Linux distributions that adhere to the Linux Standard Base (LSB). The LSB is a standardization initiative that aims to increase compatibility between different Linux distributions by defining a common set of libraries and conventions.


uname -a


The uname -a command is used to display detailed system information about the Linux operating system. It provides information about the system's kernel and other system-related details.

Let's get down to business

shall we?

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Open the terminal

Check the latest NVM versions

Go to the releases page and write down the last version.

At the moment, the link is:

Install NVM

curl -o- | bash

Replace v0.39.5 with the chosen version.


curl is the command-line tool for making HTTP requests.

It can be used to download files, make API requests, and perform various other HTTP-related tasks.

-o is a flag that is used to specify the output file for the downloaded content. By default, curl will save the downloaded content to a file with a name derived from the URL.

When you use -o followed by a filename, it tells curl to save the content to that specific file.

The catch is that when you use -o- (with a hyphen after it), it instructs curl to send the output to stdout instead of saving it to a file.

Make NVM available

source ~/.bashrc

The command source ~/.bashrc is used to execute the content of the .bashrc file in the current shell session. It is commonly used in Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, to apply changes made to the configuration file without the need to log out or start a new terminal session.

When you run source ~/.bashrc, you are telling your current shell session to read and execute the commands in your .bashrc file. This is often done to apply changes to environment variables, aliases, functions, or other shell settings that you've modified or added to your .bashrc file.

Check NVM installation


nvm --version

Executable file's path

which nvm

Run nvm


List available versions

nvm ls-remote


Install lts Node

nvm install --lts


List local Node.js versions

 nvm ls


Set a default version

nvm alias default v18.18.2


Check Node.js default version

nvm current





Let's become friends

Final thoughts

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