Resolving Docker 'Credential Store Not Initialized' Error on Deepin Linux OS 20.9

Resolving Docker 'Credential Store Not Initialized' Error on Deepin Linux OS 20.9


Credential store not initialised
Docker Desktop uses 'pass' to store the login credentials that needs to be initialised.

Credential store not initialised

Docker Desktop is a desktop application that provides an integrated development environment for Docker.

The error message we're seeing, credential store not initialised is related to Docker's credential store, which is used to securely store and manage login credentials for Docker registries.

Docker uses different credential helpers or credential stores on different platforms, and on Linux, it often uses pass as one of the credential helpers.

Let's get down to business

shall we?

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Check your OS (optional)

This step is just to make sure you have Deepin Linux installed.

lsb_release -a
cat /etc/os-release
uname -a


Check Docker installation (optional)

Make sure your Docker is up and running here or through the following link:

Check Docker desktop installation (optional)

Make sure your Docker desktop is up and running here or through the following link:

Generate a gpg key

gpg --generate-key

The gpg --generate-key command is used to generate a new GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) key pair.

GPG is a widely used open-source software for encrypting and signing data and is commonly used for securing email communications, verifying the authenticity of software packages, and protecting sensitive information.

Provide information

Provide real name and email address

Choose a passphrase

Visualize your gpg key

List the keys

The following lists all the public keys

gpg --list-keys


Just in case you want to list all your private keys, you should run the following command:
gpg --list-secret-keys

Copy your public key

Initialize pass

pass init your-key

It should be something like the following:

pass init DAZF877093FCF03Z4BFA3A0456CD93F8BCFC51B4


Open Docker desktop

Click on sign-in


Proceed to Docker desktop

Click on Open xdg-open

Logged in

Now, you should see your logged in.



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Final thoughts

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