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Installing lsb_release on Fedora: How to Check Your Linux Distribution Version
is a command-line utility commonly found in Linux distributions that adhere to the Linux Standard Base (LSB). The LSB is a standardization initiative that aims to increase compatibility between different Linux distributions by defining a common set of libraries and conventions.
The lsb_release
command provides information about the Linux distribution you're using, including details such as the distributor's ID, description, release number, and code name.
Real example
Typically, you can use lsb_release
to retrieve information about your Linux distribution, which can be useful for scripting and determining the specifics of the operating system you're working with. This information can be valuable when you need to write scripts or code that should behave differently depending on the Linux distribution or version.
For example, you might use lsb_release
to determine whether you're on Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, or another distribution, and then tailor your script or program accordingly.
Linux distributions
It's important to note that not all Linux distributions include lsb_release
by default, and some may provide similar information using other methods or commands. The availability and functionality of lsb_release
can vary between distributions.
Let's get down to business
shall we?
By using the dnf
package manager, Let's install the redthat_lsb_core
DNF Package manager
stands for "Dandified Yum." It is the next-generation package manager used in various Linux distributions, including Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
DNF was introduced as a replacement for the Yum package manager, and it offers improved performance, dependency resolution, and a more user-friendly command-line interface for package management tasks.
Name origin
The name "Dandified Yum" is a play on words and a nod to Yum, which stands for "Yellowdog Updater, Modified."
Open the terminal
Update Fedora
sudo dnf update
Before installing any new packages, it's a good idea to update your system to make sure you have the latest package information and security updates.
Install the package
Open the terminal and run the following command:
sudo dnf install redhat-lsb-core
The output will look something like the following:
Check installation
lsb_release --version
Executable file's path
which lsb_release
Retrieve OS information
lsb_release -a
Let's become friends
Final thoughts
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