How to configure FactoryBot with Rspec in a Rails 7 application

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How to configure FactoryBot with Rspec in a Rails 7 application

FactoryBot Rails

FactoryBot is a Ruby library for setting up Ruby objects as test data in a test suite. Specifically, FactoryBot Rails is an extension of FactoryBot designed to work seamlessly with Ruby on Rails applications.

In the context of testing Rails applications, FactoryBot Rails provides a convenient way to define and create factories for ActiveRecord models.

Factories are used to generate instances of model objects with predefined attributes, making it easier to set up test data for various scenarios.

Add to the Gemfile

According to the documentation, add factory_bot_rails to your Gemfile in both the test and development groups:

group :development, :test do
  gem 'rspec-rails'
  gem 'factory_bot_rails'
  gem "debug", platforms: %i[ mri mingw x64_mingw ]

Install the dependencies

bundle install


Configure FactoryBot Rails

The next parts is to configure FactoryBotRails.

Create a folder

 mkdir spec/support

Create the configuration file

touch spec/support/factory_bot.rb

Add the configuration

# spec/support/factory_bot.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods

This configures RSpec to include FactoryBot methods (like create, build, etc.) in your tests and ensures that FactoryBot factories are loaded before the test suite runs.

Let's test

Create a rspec test file

 rails generate rspec:model Author

Use the create method

We don't have any factories yet, but let's try to use the create method anyway.

# spec/models/author_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe Author, type: :model do  
  it 'creates a valid author object using FactoryBot' do    
    author = FactoryBot.create(:author)

    expect(author).to be_valid
    expect(author.persisted?).to eq(true)

Run the tests

bundle exec rspec spec/models/author_spec.rb -fd


Great, it tried to create an object using FactoryBot.

Use the build method

# spec/models/author_spec.rb
RSpec.describe Author, type: :model do  
    it 'builds a valid author object using FactoryBot' do    
        author =, name: 'John Doe')

        expect(author).to be_valid

        expect(author.persisted?).to eq(true)

Output of the complete code

Run the tests

bundle exec rspec spec/models/author_spec.rb -fd


Create a factory

Create the factories folder

mkdir spec/factories


Create the file

touch spec/factories/authors.rb


Add the factory

# spec/factories/authors.rb
FactoryBot.define do
  factory :author do
    name { 'Toby Flanderson' }

Run the tests

The error messages so far have indicated that we don't have registered factories, but this time we do.

Let's run the tests; all the tests should fail.


bundle exec rspec spec/models/author_spec.rb -fd



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Final thoughts

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