How to add environment variable assignments on Elementary OS 6.1 via the terminal emulator and the bash shell?

How to add environment variable assignments on Elementary OS 6.1 via the terminal emulator and the bash shell?

Environment variables

Environment variables are dynamic values that can affect the behavior of processes and programs running on a computer's operating system.

These variables store information such as system configuration settings, user preferences, or data that is used by various software applications.

Environment variables are used to control how programs behave and to provide them with necessary information.

Open the terminal


Check your shell

echo $SHELL

My output is


Your output might be one of the following:

Edit the shell configuration

Use your favorite text editor to edit the shell configuration file. I'm going to use nano. You can use nano, vi, vim, gedit and even VS Code.

nano ~/.bashrc

Add the variables

In ~/.bashrc, add the variables at the end:

export GITHUB_TOKEN="glpat-Z2hxZY6BhDPyZwQbYuZm"
export DOCKER_TOKEN="dckr_pat_ORhj8i17IaMZ8gvLMqZgdKnkD9Z"
export PG_USER="my_user"
export PG_PASS="d9l85nbp"

Save the changes and exit

if you are using nano, follow the order:

  • CTRL + X;

  • Y and press Enter;

Confirm the changes

source ~/.bashrc

Check the changes

echo $PG_USER
echo $PG_PASS



You've made it!

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Final thoughts

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